Monthly Archives: December 2016

Dead Batteries

Dead Batteries – Trapped in the Cycle of Inaction

“Dead Batteries” Will Trap You in a CYCLE of INACTION “When habitual, limited THINK-ing activates corrosive FEEL-ings and limits your DO-ing, you can easily and unknowingly get stuck in a CYCLE of INACTION.” These are the words from a recent post where I told you I’d expound on their meaning… and now, here we are, […]

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Choosing is the Difference

Choosing is the Difference!

Choosing is the Difference: ReThink Your Thoughts, Habits and Emotions Activated feeling triggers a learned line of thought. Depending on the perceived value of the stimulated thought, (“What is my value?”… “Will this make me look intelligent?” …”Will I look stupid?”, etc.) the mind might send counter thoughts and counter measures in the form of […]

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Questioning your Questions

Questioning Your Questions to Amp-up Your Attitude

Do you ever question yourself, trying to improve your current circumstances? Do you view your questions as useful or just rhetorical? Do you ask yourself empowering questions or are your questions demoralizing? Do your questions carry the heaviness of “Ugh, why does this keep happening to me?” When you ask them, are you gloomy and […]

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